Recent Baby Shower was a Success for Massillon area moms to be.
About a dozen soon-to-be moms took part in a Baby Shower, which was hosted by Lifecare Family Health and Dental Center of Massillon. Sponsors included Molina, CareSource, Buckeye Health, Paramount and United Health Care, Target and Walmart.
The free event was attended by about 25, as a few fathers and children joined in the festivities at the Massillon Recreation Center.
“We’re here to commit to pregnant moms, and to help educate and encourage them any way we can,” said Kay Scarp, chief executive officer of Lifecare. “We also want to let them have a nice time.”
During the event, a trio of guest speakers covered multiple topics such as healthy sleeping and eating habits for mothers and babies. Other tips involved weight control and breast feeding.
Individual advice was also offered, according to Kay Scarp, who said experts often assist new mothers with signing up for health care and share ways to get transportation to grocery stores and pharmacies.
Lifecare was joined by a handful of vendors including the Massillon Health Department, Stark County Community Action Agency and area health care providers.
Sandwiches, pastries and refreshments were served, while gifts, door prizes and activities for kids also were offered.
A photo booth was provided so mothers, children and partners could have a portrait together.
Raffled off at the event were baby clothes, maternity clothes, nursing bras and pads, diapers and wipes, pillows, baby carriers and bassinets.
All baby shower attendees received a free bag containing wet wipes, bibs, baby soap, a wash cloth and outfit.
Lifecare Family Health & Dental Center is located at 820 Amherst Road in Massillon and can be reached by calling 330-454-2000.